Dues Structure 2023
Current Dues; Dues Effective May 1, 2023
Country Club (TCC)
Monthly Dues: $239; $270
($185; $200 Dues; $20; $30 Capital Improvement; $34; $40 Capital Reserve)
Full use of facilities: Dining Room, Fitness Center, Pool, Tennis Courts,
Pickleball and Desert Pavilion (Community Center).
Membership: Mandatory
Transfer Fee (Home Sales only): $400
Capital Improvement Fee: $6500; $7800
Charged to all new owners to fund the capital improvement reserve for purposes of additions,
improvements and enhancements of capital assets.
Current members moving within Terravita are not responsible for this fee.
Community Association (TCA/Homeowners’ Assn)
Current Dues; Dues Effective April 1, 2023
Quarterly Dues: $388.50; $414.00
Security, Streets, Landscaping, Other Contract Services, Admin., Reserve Allocation,
Maintenance & Repair, Utilities, Operating Equity
Membership: Mandatory
Resale Disclosure and Lien Estoppel Fee (Home Sale): $382.00
Golf Club (TGC)
Current Dues; Dues Effective May 1, 2023; Initiation Effective July 1, 2023
$50,000/$60,000 – Member/Resident; $55,000/$70,000 – Member/Non-Resident (NRGM)
Monthly Dues:
Individual $710 $760
Couple $876 $938
Monthly Capital Fund Fee:
Individual $147 $156
Couple $200 $214
Membership: Voluntary
Note: All dues subject to change without notice; TCC, TCA & TGC are separate legal entities from one another
Revised 04/06/2023.